Singing Guide: The Undisputed Truth

Singing Guide: The Undisputed Truth

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Undisputed Truth is a Motown soul and funk band founded in the late 1960s. Joe "Pep" Harris, Billie Rae Calvin, and Brenda Joyce Evans made up the group, known for their powerful and harmonious vocals and groovy sound.

To sing like The Undisputed Truth, there are a few techniques to consider, such as proper breath support, dynamics, and vibrato. Although their style is unique and challenging to replicate, it's essential to understand their sound to sing like them.

One of their popular hits, "Smiling Faces Sometimes," showcases their powerful, energetic voices, which compliments their funky and groovy music arrangement. Singing this song requires breath support while keeping the energy level in a controlled manner. The Undisputed Truth is known to perform with a lot of dynamics, so when covering their songs, one should emphasize the softer parts while still carrying the emotion.

Another important technique to consider when singing like The Undisputed Truth is vibrato. Vibrato is a regular variation of pitch from side to side. It communicates emotions such as vulnerability, sensitivity and strengthens the listener's connection to the song. In "Law of the Land," they showcase their vibrato technique, which is slow and deliberate, delivering a pure message made better by the effect.

Learning from Singing Carrots online courses can help improve your technique when learning to sing like The Undisputed Truth. The Vocal Range Test can help you recognize your range and know how to improve it. Then, pitch accuracy testings are available, providing immediate feedback on how to hit your notes correctly. Further, the Pitch Training on the Singing Carrots platform offers warm-ups, exercises, and a comprehensive program to strengthen range and agility.

In summary, to sing like The Undisputed Truth, one must consider proper breath support, dynamics, vibrato, and a willingness to let loose and have fun. Check out Singing Carrots, where you can learn and improve your vocal techniques.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.